In 2001, then-Mayor Jim Wilson formed a public arts committee with a specific mission to promote and select works of sculpture art for Grinnell Plaza and other areas of the City. After the City Council's approval of written guidelines, the order of business for the Public Arts Committee was to request proposals from artists nationwide. Forty-eight artists submitted sixty sculptures for consideration. After a careful reviewing process, the committee selected eight sculptures that would be appropriate for Grinnell Plaza and other areas in Sheridan. In addition to funding from the City of Sheridan’s 1% optional sales tax, the Arts Committee continuously seeks funding from individuals or organizations to fund additional pieces. Sheridan now has over 100 permanent pieces of art and continues to display pieces that are on loan. All on loan pieces are available for purchase.
Funding: The City of Sheridan provides funding for operations. Tax deductible contributions from individuals and businesses provide 100% of the funding for all new permanently acquire sculptures.